Pay once. Use it forever.
We hate subscriptions. That's why you only pay one-time for lifetime access.
Forever Free
To try things out.
- Numbering limited to first 3 posts
- Ability to exclude first post from numbering
Unlimited Early Bird
Only 12 spots left at this price.
one-time payment
- Unlimited numbering
- Ability to exclude first post from numbering
- 99% discount on regular price
Unlimited Regular
Regular price after early bird spots are gone.
one-time payment
- Unlimited numbering
- Ability to exclude first post from numbering
Get your Early Bird Discount.
Can't launch an extension for đť•Ź without a little bit of memes.
Spots left until next price increase: 12.
Title | Description | Price |
Amount of Users | Why? | Price |
First 13 users | My lucky number | $1.30 (98% off) |
14th to 69th user | Cause 69 | $6.90 (93% off) |
70th to 420th user | 420... | $42 (58% off) |
421st to 555th user | My gf's favorite number | $55 (44% off) |
556th to 888th user | For my Chinese friends | $88 (11% off) |
889th user onwards | Regular price | $99 |
Frequently asked questions
Your questions answered.
- How do I get the Early Bird Discount?
- Head over to the Chrome Web Store, look for "The Threadinator" and install it. Once installed, click the small jig saw icon in the top right of your browser and select The Threadinator extension. We recommend you pin it. Then click the small thread icon to open the extension's popup menu. Congrats, you are now on the forever free version! If you want to upgrade to the UNLIMITED EARLY BIRD version, do this: Open the extension popup menu. You will see a blue button that says "Get Unlimited Lifetime Deal". Click it and now you can enjoy the Early Bird Discount.
- What browsers does The Threadinator support?
- All chromium-based browsers, including Chrome, Edge, Brave, and Opera. Firefox and Safari are not supported (yet). If you'd like to see them added, let me know via DM to @philipreichen
- What formats of the injected "number/number" are supported?
- Right now, the extension only recognizes and injects the format "number/numberSPACECHARACTER". So, as an example: If your thread has 13 posts, then the extension will inject the text "1/13 " into the first post and "2/13 " into the second post and so on. Note that there is a space character after the second number (the total number of posts). This is exactly the format that The Threadinator looks for when trying to figure out which posts are already numbered, which posts are not numbered yet and which posts need a numbering update. If you delete the space character after the second number, the extension will not be able to correctly identify the numbered posts and it'll inject another pair of numbers. This can lead to a mess and confusion. So, make sure to not delete the space character after the second number.
- Do you offer refunds?
- No. I can't. There's two reasons: Firstly, The Threadinator is built tightly around and deeply into This means that if decides to change things on their end, it could very well be that The Threadinator will stop working and that I won't be able to fix it. Ever. That's just a technical reality that any browser extension has to face. Secondly, I only charge a one-time payment for LIFETIME usage and access. I hate subscriptions. And that's why I don't charge a monthly or yearly recurring fee. If I did charge a recurring fee, and the extension stopped working due to technical limitations, I could just refund the last month/year pro-rata and that's it. But since this is a one-time payment, I can't do that. You can use the extension indefinitely, but if it's ever no longer working, I can't charge you, the time you already used it and can therefore not offer refunds.
- Will this extension work forever?
- I don't know. For now, it's working just fine. And I'll make sure to keep it that way. But I can't guarantee that it will work forever because, as mentioned above, it's tightly integrated with If decides to change things on their end, it could very well be that The Threadinator will stop working and that I won't be able to fix it.